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Marvel United: Witching Hour
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Witching HourMarvel United에 특별함을 더해줄 프로모션 박스입니다.


이 박스에는 새로운 두 캐릭터가 추가됩니다:


아가사 하크니스(Agatha Harkness): 안티 히어로로 등장.

스칼렛 위치(Scarlet Witch): 솔로 빌런으로 첫 등장.

또한, 주로 컨벤션에서 제공되었던 4개의 대체 히어로 덱이 포함되어 있습니다:


그레이 헐크(Grey Hulk)


미스터 시니스터(Mister Sinister)

데드풀(Deadpool - X-Force 버전)

이 대체 버전들을 완벽히 구현하기 위해, 박스에는 해당 캐릭터들의 기존 게임 피스가 새로운 색상으로 다시 제작되어 포함됩니다. 카드의 뒷면에는 "2nd Printing" 표시가 있어 원래 컨벤션 버전과 구분할 수 있습니다.


새로운 캐릭터와 대체 버전으로 확장된 Marvel United의 세계를 경험하세요!


Scarlet Witch has been consumed by the need to possess the full knowledge of the Darkhold. She starts the game using her magic to weaken the Heroes, keeping 3 cards with Special Effects from each of their decks aside. Only by completing their Missions will the Heroes be able to put those cards back in their decks.

The pages of the Darkhold are scattered across the Locations in the form of Threat cards. As Scarlet Witch moves around and BAMs, she not only forces Heroes around her to discard cards from their hands, but also places Crisis tokens on the Threats around her. Once a Darkhold Page has 3 tokens, Scarlet Witch collects it, gaining additional Health and getting one step closer to her dark goal.
Scarlet Witch uses her dark magic to bend the Heroes will, keeping them away from her, to warp reality by turning their cards facedown, or to turn Thugs into her Darkholders and set them on the Heroes. While Scarlet Witch clearing Threats helps Heroes by freeing up Location effects and completing the Clear Threats Mission (which returns cards to the Heroes’ decks), once she has all the Darkhold Pages, the Heroes have lost.

As a Hero, Agatha Harkness brings a full grimoire of magic spells, with each of her cards having a different Special Effect. Among other things, she can create force fields to protect her Location or purify it from Crisis tokens. She can bind the Villain to her Location or use Electrokinesis to attack her enemies. She may even use Dimensional Manipulation to change an entire Location. Or she can use her greatest asset, her cat Ebony, unleashing it to play havoc on an adjacent Location.  
Agatha can be equipped with the powerful Darkhold, which can be used to reveal the top card of ANY deck in the game. However, recharging it requires the sacrifice of a Civilian or Thug from an incomplete Mission!
As a Villain, Agatha Harkness provides a unique challenge, conducting her own witch trial. Whenever Agatha KO’s a Hero or causes an Overflow, she adds a Civilian to her Witch Trial Mission. These poor souls act as protection for her, so whenever there are 7 or more of them on the Trial Mission, they are removed instead of Agatha losing Health to a Hero’s attack. Agatha is victorious if she manages to complete her Witch Trial Mission.
To aid her in her mission, Agatha has placed six magic Rune Threats all around the play area. Each of her Master Plan cards displays two different Runes, which are resolved that turn if they are still in play. Among these, the Weakening Rune shuts down Hero powers, the Energy Rune strikes a Hero anywhere, the Charm Rune attracts more Civilians for her Trial, and the Probability Rune accelerates the Villain turns. Once Agatha is put Under Pressure, all Rune Threats are flipped and can then be cleared using Heroic Actions. Their effects also change, so now the Weaking Rune takes away Move Actions, the Energy Rune blasts Heroes away, the Charm Rune discards Special Effect cards from Heroes’ hands, and the Probability Rune messes with the Heroes’ decks. Heroes must act quickly to break the Runes’ circle of protection and stop Agatha before the Witch Trial is complete.
Grey Hulk is a lot more in control of himself than regular Hulk. His controlled strength is still enough to wreck his enemies and his growing rage gives him Attack tokens whenever he is damage, plus his amazing stamina allows him to heal himself, but he might be able to outsmart the Villain, placing a revealed Master Plan card back at the bottom of the deck and revealing a new one.
As a Hero, Juggernaut is still unstoppable, charging his enemies with a quick Move and Attack and with armor tough enough to ignore all damage. His heroic side shines through, though, acting as a double agent to get Henchmen to reveal the next step of the Master Plan, and taking damage himself to keep Civilians around him from being discarded.
As part of the X-Force team, Deadpool is not joking around. All of his cards have Special Effects, bringing some of his usual bag of tricks, such as an abundance of firearms to decimate enemies around him, or the ability to fight through the pain, ignoring damage and gaining Attack tokens. He might still be occasionally unpredictable, playing cards randomly, but the Chaos deck is not used, and he might even be a real Hero by rescuing Civilians in danger.
Mister Sinister might be a dubious Hero, but he’s still very effective as one. As a master geneticist, he places DNA tokens (from the Blue Team expansion) on other Heroes’ cards so that he can later steal their Special Effect. He’s also a master manipulator, though, being able to force other Heroes to play specific cards (which may actually come in handy when they would otherwise be forced to play randomly). Be wary of his secret agenda, though, as Mister Sinister can make it so that only he wins the game, with all the other Heroes losing!

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